Business lawsuits can spell disaster for any company, regardless of the industry or the size of the business. Moreover, these lawsuits can be especially challenging for recently-formed businesses for a variety of reasons. If you recently launched a business and are...
Month: March 2019
Do you need to fund a trust for your pets?
People who feel comfortable that they have tended to all of their estate-planning needs sometimes forget to make provisions for their companion animals. What will happen to Fido or Fluffy should you die before they do? Will a friend or relative step in and care for...
Probate disputes and beneficiary rights
After a loved one passes on, various challenges surrounding their estate may arise, which can make daily life especially tough for those who are already struggling with the loss of someone they love dearly. Sadly, probate disputes are not uncommon and they can wreak...
Do adults who don’t have a spouse or kids need an estate plan?
Adults who don't have children or a spouse might think that they don't need to have an estate plan, but this isn't the case. Instead, they need to think carefully about what is going to happen to their assets when they pass away. They also need to consider how they...
Intestate succession in Florida
Many often come to us here at Burandt Adamski Feichthaler & Sanchez PLLC questioning what would happen if they were to die without a will. If you are like many of them, you may assume that your heirs would be given the right to decide amongst themselves how to...
Many Family Law situations can have a big impact on your future.
Don’t forget to update your estate plan.