Committed Allies And Advocates In Law Since 1974

Guidance For Creating Your New Parenting Plan

If divorce is inevitable for you and your spouse, there is no question that the well-being of your children is one of your most pressing concerns. Custody issues are some of the most emotional decisions to make, and you are within your rights to feel anxious and confused.

The child custody cases we have handled at Burandt, Adamski, Feichthaler & Sanchez, PLLC, have given us a deep understanding of the heartache divorce and changing parental responsibilities can bring to a family. Our lawyers strive to minimize that pain by seeking the most appropriate methods for reaching a parenting plan agreement that addresses the best interests of your child and protects your parental rights.

Protecting Your Interests

Florida courts recognize that the best parenting plans are the result of open discussion and generous negotiation between parents. You and your spouse may be able to agree on time-sharing issues such as parenting schedules, holidays and summer vacations. These and other matters comprise the physical custody of a child.

In addition, you and your spouse may be able to reach agreeable terms regarding the legal parental responsibility for your child. Legal responsibility involves making critical decisions for the welfare of your child, including:

  • Educational choices
  • Disciplinary methods
  • Medical decisions
  • Religious upbringing

As you and your spouse work through the process of developing your parenting plan, you can count on our attorneys’ experience in these matters to guide you in satisfying Florida family courts’ definition of the child’s best interests.

Representing You In Court

If you and your spouse are unable to create an adequate parenting plan, the court will intervene, weighing many factors to determine what is best for your child. For example:

  • The stability of your home environment
  • Your physical and mental health
  • Your involvement in the day-to-day routines of the child
  • Your commitment to support and cooperate with your co-parent
  • Your moral fitness
  • The preference of the child, depending on maturity

It is critical that you know your parental rights and responsibilities when facing legal issues concerning your child.


Count On Our Experience

Since 1974, we have stood by countless Cape Coral parents as they struggled to create a reasonable parenting plan or battled for custody in front of a judge. You can take advantage of that experience by calling 239-542-4733 or reaching out to us online for your free initial consultation.