Committed Allies And Advocates In Law Since 1974

Modifications Of Child Support And Alimony

Family law orders can generally be modified when there is a significant change in circumstances. Child support and alimony are some of the most common issues that require modifications due to changes in the life circumstances of either party.

At the law firm of Burandt, Adamski, Feichthaler & Sanchez, PLLC, we help people obtain modifications of child support, alimony (spousal maintenance), and child custody and visitation. Many of these modifications are routine, and we can accomplish them efficiently and for a reasonable fee. Some modification cases are complex, however, and can require significant legal efforts. Our lawyers have the experience – including extensive trial experience – necessary to capably handle even the most complex of modification cases. We’re familiar with the local courts in Cape Coral and know how to most effectively pursue a favorable resolution.

Modifying Child Support

In Florida, the level of child support is determined by statutory guidelines. Factors such as the incomes of the parents, the number of children, the number of overnights the children spend with the noncustodial parent, and the children’s educational and health care needs will affect the required support level.

Our attorneys understand child support modifications and the potential challenges they present. We believe that no parent should receive less than the guidelines specify or pay more than the law requires. When you work with us, we will work diligently to achieve your desired goal.

Alimony Modifications

Alimony orders aren’t necessarily set in stone. You may find it necessary to request a modification of alimony if there are substantial changes in your financial status or personal circumstances. Some common reasons for seeking an alimony modification include:

  • Significant increase or decrease in income: Promotions, job losses, career shifts, retirement and other major changes in income can warrant a reevaluation of alimony.
  • Remarriage of the recipient: If the spouse receiving alimony gets remarried, ongoing financial support may no longer be necessary.
  • Health issues: Serious health problems can significantly affect your financial landscape, possibly requiring an adjustment in alimony.

To modify an alimony agreement, you must demonstrate a “substantial change in circumstances.” This change must be significant, material, involuntary and permanent in nature. It’s important to provide concrete evidence that shows how your circumstances have changed since the alimony was first awarded.

Modifying alimony is not always straightforward. You may run into hurdles with regard to providing adequate documentation, overcoming legal challenges from the opposing party and navigating court proceedings. Having a skilled attorney can make a significant difference in managing these challenges.

Our lawyers are ready to assess your situation and provide the guidance you need. We aim to achieve an outcome that reflects your current life situation, making the process as smooth as possible for you. Whether you need to increase, decrease or terminate alimony, our team is here to support and represent you every step of the way.


Discuss Your Questions About Post-Divorce Modifications

A lawyer at our firm can review your situation and explain how we can help you. Our many years of family law experience enable us to quickly identify the key issues in any situation and develop a plan to achieve your goals. To get started, contact us online or call 239-542-4733 for a confidential consultation.